Victor Shteinberg

Victor, was born in Odessa, Ukraine, a stone’s throw from the mystical Black Sea, then moved to Israel in 1972.
After completing High School and a three years stint in the Israel Air Force specializing in Wireless Aeronautical Communications, he worked for Motorola.
His journey into self-discovery and the world of Art began during his travels throughout the Far East. He now resides in Taiwan. With more than a decade of studies in various media, some years ago he opened a studio in the beautiful harbor city, Tamshui, just 20 minutes north of Taipei.
Victor draws his inspiration from simple and abstract words, ideas and meanings that flow through our daily lives. And then transposes those symbols into two and three dimensional works of art (tangible visual forms) which the viewer can perceive and in which the Artist attempts to provoke passionate outburst of various emotions.